Beautiful Garden Wedding at UWA / Dara and John


What a visual feast this wedding was. From the ingenious wedding dress to the summer colours of UWA. The whole wedding day seemed to be infused with warm glow.

And I love photographing at the University of Western Australia. The place is full of photographic potential if one looks beyond the cliches. Dara holding Hugo the Poodle is one of my absolute favourites photos. Palm trees form the perfect background and help the eye to find the focus of the photo, you can see the love there even if you don't know Dara. The next image is even better :)

Another thing that definitely stood out for me was The Cape! Cape is the superior sister of the Veil. It goes on your shoulders which is a much better design than things that attach to your hair and head. And if Cape and Crown is combined.. well, I'm sure Dara not only felt like a princess, she felt like a Queen :)

Also, I was included in the speeches. Not just mentioned. Properly included and everyone was looking at me. I think, I was looking really hard at something on the floor the whole time so can't be sure ;) Jokes aside, thank you guys. Thank you for making me part of your day.